Technology Against
Crime, Africa

About Us
Our Background

Get to know
how we started

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TAC NGO AFRICA was born out of an International Forum on Technologies, a high level meeting dedicated to “Technology for a Safer world. The first two editions were held in Lyon France, in April 2013 and April 2016 respectively under the patronage of the Ministry of Interior and INTERPOL.

Essentially, we are a non-governmental, bipartisan organisation, connecting law enforcement, subject matter experts, civil society to solve issues that affect our society. We work on the transformation of our law enforcement and judiciary. We make them more technologically enabled. Besides this, we solve problems through policy advocacy, research, training and capacity building and volunteering.


Fighting Crime
With Emerging

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Law enforcement officials today are facing a challenging and demanding operating environment. As society is increasingly connected and the world becoming borderless, technologies can help law enforcement to prevent, detect and investigate more efficiently, but at the same time, they also open up possibilities for criminals. Technology Against Crime believes that its vision of a safer continent is possible through a multi-stake holder approach to innovation in policing.

Autonomous cars, Artificial Intelligence, robotics, drones and crypto-currencies in the dark web; these are becoming part of today’s reality, which intensifies the challenges of securing our cities, major events, borders and cyberspace.